Saturday, September 29, 2012

Got Rules?

The children participated in establishing our rules.  We created lists of rules that we have in school, in the cafeteria, at recess and in the hallways.  We used a carousel activity where they moved around the room and added to previous ideas.  If they agreed with a rule on the chart, they checked it and then added any new ones.

Here is one of the charts the children created.  

We then narrowed down our classroom rules:
1.  Follow the Golden Rule.
2.  Be a good citizen and show respect. 
3.  Always try your personal best!

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Daily Five Begins

So far in Daily Five, I have introduced Read to SelfRead to Someone and Listen to Reading.  The children also started Book Bag this week as part of homework.  The children are expected to read 4x a week at home, it can be done on the week-ends.  They may borrow a book from the class, library or one from home.  The log needs to be written in once a week, their book of choice.  Please make sure your child is doing this at home.