We ended the school year with STEAM Lessons!
Science Technology Engineering Art Math
One of our STEAM challenges was designing and building a boat that will sail and also hold weight.
We talked about designs of boats and how they move. We brainstormed a class chart. We also listed materials that boats are made out of and to think how our materials could be used.
We used a lab sheet that went through each step of the engineering and design process. I always have my students design on their own and then makes groups. I do no more than three in a group to manage problems and allowing everyone to participate. You need more materials but it works so much better.
I have my students build and test. They need to write down problems/improvements/solutions as they are working. I sometimes limit how many tests they are allowed. They will help manage issues. I did give new paper if it got wet but did not replace anything else.
Each group used the following items:
1 piece of aluminum foil
1 piece of tape
1 straw
1 craft stick
1 piece of paper
Building and Sailing our boats using an under the bed storage container and fan.